Trauma Tips #3: Trauma from Medical Procedures

Trauma Tips #3: Trauma from Medical Procedures

Medical related traumas can happen to anyone. They happened to me, and you’ll hear more about mine and another client’s in today’s podcast.

In a previous trauma tips episode, I shared about subjective emotional experiences. In short, our perception of the trauma determines how we internalize what happened.

This is very true of children as well. As I have stated previously, a child cannot make logic relating to the event. In light of this, the child will internalize or act out their emotional reactions. These emotional reactions can vary in intensity depending on the severity of the child’s interpretation.

About journey Into Wellness

About journey Into Wellness

Led by Rosalien Stagg, Journey Into Wellness have specialists that help treat those suffering from the effects of trauma, PTSD, emotional pan, addiction, and burnout. Using a new technique – Heartbeat Trauma Release (HTR) – Journey Into Wellness treatments can help those suffering from these symptoms in minutes, rather than months or years.

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