Journey Into Wellness Training

HeartBeat Trauma Release (HTR) Training Sessions

Journey Into Wellness are now providing training to those practitioners who’d like to become Heartbeat Trauma Release Specialists.

To be certified as a HTR method Specialist, a candidate needs to:

  • Attend the HeartBeat Trauma Release (HTR) Method course of 5 days
  • Attend two additional Heartbeat Trauma Release (HTR) Specialist Certification course days for a total of 7 days’ training

Here’s a breakdown of what each course covers.

HeartBeat Trauma Release (HTR) Method

The initial 5-day course includes instruction on the theory and techniques of the HTR method. You’ll learn about:

  • healing trauma
  • healing inner child and generational wounds

HeartBeat Trauma Release (HTR) Specialist

The final 2-day course includes instruction on HTR’s application in real-world environments with a range of clients & symptoms. You’ll learn:

  • what is it
  • how it works
  • why it works
  • what the time frame is from trauma-release to healing

Note: to be certified, candidates must attend the 5-day class trauma release session, then the 2-day HTR Specialist training session.

Once the two courses have been completed successfully, you’ll be certified as a Heartbeat Trauma Release Method Specialist.

Contact Rosalien directly for more information.

Training Session Schedules

Below is a list of our current in-house training sessions:

  • Training sessions are currently being scheduled for October & November 2022.

This page is updated regularly; contact Rosalien directly for full schedule, pricing, and availability.

Interested in becoming an HTR Specialist?

Contact Journey Into Wellness for more info:  call us on 1-250-253-5211, or email us at

And be sure to stay connected with us on Facebook!

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