Here are a few more client testimonials from Journey into Wellness and Miracle Healing Hideaway, BC’s premier trauma, addiction, and wellness treatment Center.
“For many years I have struggled with depression and anxiety. I have had many traumatic events happen over the years and they left me in a world of darkness. I found myself sitting at work unable to do my job. Rosalien provided a private, safe and comforting environment during my stay. My life is now free of the darkness and I feel that I can be myself. Who I truly want to be. I am thankful everyday” – R.P.
If you are ready to take the plunge and change your life; this is the place for you. Bring an open mind and willingness to change and you too will be grateful for this journey. – A.J.
I would recommend Rosalien and Miracle Healing Hideaway to anyone looking to make positive changes and wanting to receive support with any area of their life. – P.F. – a previous guest.
Read more client stories and testimonials, and find out more about Miracle Healing Hideaway and our healing and wellness getaway programs.
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