The New Home of One Trauma has now been merged with Journey Into Wellness, allowing us to give you an even better experience with your HeartBeat Trauma Relief Method sessions.

But first, what is HeartBeat Trauma Release?

The One Trauma online wellness program is based around the HeartBeat Trauma Release Method, otherwise known as HTR.

HeartBeat Trauma Release (HTR) is a potent energy-healing method that swiftly repairs the trauma associated with painful emotional memories, even those severe enough to cause PTSD and Complex-PTSD.  HTR is the most affective trauma healing treatment method available today, and it works quickly, thoroughly or effectively.

And there is absolutely no requirement for the patient to reveal or discuss any details of their personal trauma.

Almost anyone who has experienced other energy or meridian work can attest to its benefits, as you can read in our testimonials. Energy work is a powerful healer; unique to HTR, however, is that it uses the entire energy field of the person, empowered by the beat of their own heart, creating a new energy field with each beat. This direct approach may do away with the years of therapy that the sufferer would normally require.

You can learn more about HTR here.


One Trauma

“We believe we are here As Love, To Love and Be Love.”

A definition for you: Energy psychology typically involves approaches like the Heartbeat Trauma Release Method that work with the body’s energy systems to address emotional and psychological issues.


Online Heartbeat Trauma Release sessions available now, including breakthrough & restoration packages.

Rid yourself of the past; live in the present moment.

The Breakthrough session is about releasing emotions attached to a specific trauma, so it no longer bothers you through nightmares and negative thoughts.

If you’re looking for a way to release your trauma and create a new belief surrounding the memory, try the restoration package. This package includes either a second session, or longer breakthrough session.

Need to talk?

Contact Rosalien at One Trauma now!

Phone me on 1-250-253-5211, email me at, or use the form below to get in touch.

And be sure to stay connected with us on Facebook!

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