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WAGS of SCI Podcast: Healing Trauma with Rosalien Stagg.
Recently, I was privileged to work with the WAGS of SCI organization: The Wives And Girlfriends of Spinal Cord Injury. Together, we produced a podcast that will hopefully show those with SCI, just a few ways how they can live well, grow, and get the most out of life.
Trauma Tips #1: The Body’s Response to Energy
When responding to the energy of anger – How do you respond: fight – do you want to confront the person, flight – do you want to leave, freeze – Do you shut down, or fawn – do you want to take care of them in some way. Rosalien shares her thoughts on what energy in motion reacts like when it comes to storing trauma in the body.
Trauma Tips #2: Trauma is Subjective
Trauma is defined as a mental, behavioural and emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply disturbing or distressing. Contrary to my previous belief, it’s your SUBJECTIVE emotional experience of an event that determines whether it was traumatic. In other words, just because something might not be recognized objectively as devastating does not mean it wasn’t traumatic for you.
In Trauma Tips #2, Rosalien shares her thoughts on what it means to experience trauma subjectively.
Trauma Tips #4: How Do We Respond to Trauma?
Your body is made for handling traumas via our sympathetic autonomic nervous system. In normal circumstances, it nicely controls your heartbeat, your digestion, your thought processes, your emotions etc. When danger appears, it quickly goes into action in four basic ways: Fight, Flight, Freeze and the newest kid on the block, Fawn.
Trauma Tips #5: Supporting Children After Trauma

In a previous episode, we talked about a very young girl who had been in ICU for ten days. During her stay and especially afterwards, her parents noticed how much her personality had changed.
In this podcast, we discuss how to support your children after they’ve been affected by trauma or traumatic events.
Trauma Tips #6: Trauma Screaming Back at Us

We talked a bit in another episode about trauma and our responses to it. Today we are going deeper into how trauma can potentially scream back at us. We all react to trauma in different ways, experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional reactions.
Trauma Tips #7: What is Vicarious Trauma?

Have you ever felt exhausted after spending time with someone who is going through trauma? You may be taking on their pain and hurt. Yes, it is possible for us to suffer from indirect trauma when we are exposed to a second-hand story.
Trauma Tips #8: How to support someone going through trauma

We talked a bit in another episode about trauma and our responses to it. Today we are going deeper into how trauma can Knowing how to talk to someone who is going through trauma can be intimidating. But taking the time to do so will make a large impact in their healing. Today we are going to talk about how to listen with our whole beings.scream back at us. We all react to trauma in different ways, experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional reactions.
Trauma Tips #9: Body image and self-harm

Today we are going to talk about negative body image and self-harm.
Trauma Tips #10: Trauma and addictive behaviours

As discussed in previous podcasts, traumatic events can lead to unhealthy patterns of thinking. In turn, these patterns can manifest as substance addictions and other negative ways of coping, such as behavioral addictions, with the traumatic residue.
Trauma Tips #11: Feeling safe when trauma hits

Many of us seem to have anxious feelings running through our bodies at the most undetermined time. Have you ever wondered where it comes from? Could it be your inner fire alarm, running in the background and ringing throughout your body? Perhaps the greatest stress you will ever face is the thought that you can’t protect yourself from life itself.
Trauma Tips #12: What is Trauma Reenactment?

Trauma reenactment is the replaying of our response to traumatic incidents. Undealt with, these responses can replay over and over in our adult lives. As time goes on, this becomes normal and unhealthy, and is how subconscious patterns develop.